This Recovery Manual is the result of the efforts of a unique and specialized team of CIRS experts. Their legacy is this important tool, capable of empowering thousands of individuals with CIRS to navigate the road to recovery.
Paula Vetter is a Holistic Family Nurse Practitioner with more than 30 years of experience in both Traditional and Functional Medicine. Paula is a Shoemaker Certified CIRS Practitioner who had a private CIRS practice in central CA, until she recently retired. Her passion is educating, inspiring and empowering individuals and families to take charge of their health and transform their lives. Paula, Laurie, and Cindy functioned, in practice, as a cohesive multi-disciplinary team, to successfully treat all aspects of CIRS.
Laurie Rossi is a Registered Nurse with 34 years of practical, “hands on”, experience that includes specialties in Oncology, Integrative Medicine, and Patient Education. Laurie is a CIRS patient herself and lives the daily challenges that come with that diagnosis. She has worked personally with Dr. Shoemaker to achieve her own recovery, using his Protocol. Since 2010, she has worked tirelessly to provide information and understanding about CIRS to professionals and patients. She has worked with hundreds of clients with CIRS, in practice and as a patient care advocate, to help them navigate their personal road back to health. Her hope and dream has been to unite a team of compassionate and dedicated professionals to address each of the specific areas of need for the CIRS patient. She feels that God answered her prayer, which culminated in the completion of this manual. Her heart for helping others, along with her unique understanding of living with CIRS, is a tremendous blessing.
Cindy Edwards is a general building contractor, and certified building analyst that specializes in home performance contracting. Cindy has been an amazing colleague who learned about CIRS and the unique standard of practice it takes to be successful with these clients. Cindy saw many clients with CIRS fail, after spending thousands of dollars with “mold experts”. She studied extensively and obtained the specialized knowledge necessary to assess buildings, and remediate them successfully. Cindy knew there had to be a better way, so she created it! Now she teaches those skills to others.